Moved to Action: Activating UNDRIP in Canadian Museums

In 2015, the Canadian Museums Association (CMA) was named in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #67, to deliver a report and recommendations as part of a national review of museum policies and their relationship with United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

Museums have, from their preliminary existence, been part of the colonial project. How do we acknowledge that truth while also supporting our work as community institutions? Together, we have an opportunity to be moved to enact and support Indigenous self-determination.

Read the Report

This comprehensive report seeks to determine the level of compliance that museum policies and best practices have with UNDRIP and hopes to provide a national baseline of support for Canadian museums.

About the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Learn more about UNDRIP and its importance to Canadian Heritage institutions.

About TRC Call to Action no 67

Learn more about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the Call to Action that drives this project.

Moved to Action Resources

Use our collection of resources, featuring self-directed facilitated sessions, quick-reference guides and a Small Museums Handbook.

Recommended Resources and Key Terms

Check out sector resources featured in the report, along with a collection of visual notes and a list of key terms.

Program Updates and Media

Click here for a list of media coverage related to the Moved to Action report, along with past program updates.

Acknowledgements and Advisory

This work is carried out under the authoritative guidance of the CMA Reconciliation Council.

Click here to meet the Council members.

This project has been funded by the Government of Canada.


Thank you to RBC for their donation



Questions related to the report, including press enquiries, can be directed to