2023 CMA Fellows Nomination

CMA Fellows are members who have contributed in a distinctive and exemplary fashion to their profession, have contributed to the advancement of museums and have made a significant contribution to the work of the Association. Such members are appointed for life, are exempt from paying annual fees, and may use the letters FCMA after their names. There can be no more than 50 appointed at any time and only a limited number are added in any year.

This is a highly prestigious placement for individuals who have made a lifetime contribution to the sector. Nominations can be submitted using this online form and require the following:

  • Two (2) sponsors that are CMA Members in good standing;
  • Nomination statement (300-500 words);
  • Three (3) letters of support from sponors or other individuals who can speak to the nominees contributions;
  • Additional material to demonstrate the nominee's contributions as desired.

Address (nominee)
Mailing address:
Sponsor 1
Mailing address:
Sponsor 2
Mailing address:
Nomination statement

Click here to upload three letters of support by nominators and sponsors, the candidate's curriculum vitae, along with any additional nomination materials and list the filename(s) in the following text box.