Fall 2023

Muse Magazine

This issue explores how governance in museums connects with Indigenous sovereignty, artificial intelligence, and more. You can also build on your supervision skills with guidance from the Young Canada Works team, as well as provide feedback for our experiment with ChatGPT.

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Message from the President

How many times a week do you think “this is a strange and wonderful job”? Museums are complicated organisms, each uniquely tied to its community ...

Moved to Action Program Update

We are nearing the the one-year mark of the release of the Moved to Action report with excitement. With positive reflections and new initiatives to share, ...

In the Spotlight

Read about some of the latest developments in the museum sector.

The Right to Journey Home

The Ni’isjoohl Memorial Pole, a living ancestor of the Nisg̱a’a people, is the first Indigenous pole to be returned from the United Kingdom. ...

Towards the AI Era in Museums

Analyses of the growing use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) across various industries have swung from wild optimism to fears of rampant job losses and the eventual destruction of ...

Attracting Effective Board Members for a Small Museum

Board members play a crucial role in the success and growth of any organization, including small museums. An effective board can provide valuable expertise, strategic vision, and necessary resources to ...

Examining Indigenous-led Governance in Heritage Spaces

Indigenous peoples have been practicing governance over their heritage since time immemorial. The containment, control, and destruction of Indigenous peoples and their heritage included the widespread removal of ...

Risk and Reward: D&O Insurance Can Help Museums Focus on Core Objectives

Canadian museums are changing the way they share stories, educate, and preserve cultural heritage. Besides ever-present financial and governance challenges, ...

Young Canada Works

The The Young Canada Works Heritage program, in general, expects those who supervise its interns and students to provide ...

Peace Button, 1987

This round plastic button with metal backing depicts a black peace sign over a rainbow-coloured background. The button was designed by ...